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  • Let's talk


Counselling offers a safe time and space in which to talk, air concerns and reflect. Prompting, in the form of gentle questions, can help people look at issues in new ways and identify options for change. A counsellor is trained to ask the most appropriate questions and provide a non-judgemental environment in which to share and grow.

People come to counselling for all kinds of reasons. These may include: bereavement or divorce, stress at work or school, depression or low self-esteem or simply to find a reliable, confidential sounding board.

Many people find that they benefit from support with transition points in their lives. For example, we are often told that “life begins at forty”, but many people in their forties experience a crisis of identity and purpose that can be as profound as the one experienced by those reaching retirement. In the same way, the development from childhood to adulthood can be incredibly challenging and confusing. Every time of transition can be a time to take stock, to examine and re-evaluate ourselves and our lives.

Generally, when someone comes to counselling it is because they are experiencing uncomfortable emotions or distressing situations that are interfering or spoiling the quality of their lives.

Counselling offers support in a number of differing ways. These include:
Clarifying what is important in life
Getting in touch with inner resources
Exploring feelings, thoughts and their meanings
Support during times of crisis
Support during development and transitional periods
Working through old issues that may involve looking at childhood experiences
Reaching a resolution

I practice the ‘Person Centred Approach’ to counselling. Unlike the cognitive-behavioural approaches, the person centred model is non-directive. Rogers, the founder of this approach, set out the conditions that he regarded as necessary to initiate ‘constructive change’. These include congruence – the counsellor is genuine with the client in the relationship, unconditional positive regard – the counsellor cares for and accepts the client, and empathy – the counsellor experiences a sense of the clients world through the clients eyes.

During the counselling, I become actively involved in giving you my full attention and bring to the session helpful and appropriate responses. I adopt a non-judgemental approach, encouraging an openness and a greater understanding to develop. I assist you in identifying and clarifying areas in your life that you want to change and support you whilst these changes take place. I will help you to get more in touch with your feelings, facilitating your to tap in to and trust your own resources. My aim as a counsellor is to understand what you have experienced, help you to work through complex feelings and facilitate positive change.

Further information

Over the last twenty years there has been a steady increase in the number of people seeking the services of professional counsellors. The backgrounds of people pursuing counselling are as diverse as the emotional needs and life experiences they share with their counsellor. Counsellors appear to be fulfilling a growing need within our society as a whole.

A possible explanation for this growth is that, in the past, our community: extended family, neighbours, friends, doctors and clergy, formed a strong and reliable network of support. Over the years, these supportive communities have faded noticeably as communities diversify and change. As a result, people have been receiving less and desiring more. Counselling has evolved to meet our increasing need for emotional support and has thus become an integral part of our communities well being.

What my Client's say about me

  • From the moment you walk into the room you feel the warmth of Sarah’s personality. She is very good at assessing how to help you and does it with gentle steps. She has been an enormous help and encouragement to me as we have worked together on my phobia and OCD. I recommend her very highly indeed.

  • Over the years, in our sessions there were many tears, laughter and so many aha moments, where I had gradually began to see the light again, my wounded heart could open a little more and my mind could turn that corner, to see things a little differently.

  • Sarah helped me to stop smoking with hypnotherapy. I still see her from time to time for anxiety. 
    I am still a none smoker!

  • I came to Sarah for CBT. I’d been signed off from work and had some serious stress issues. Sarah listened and helped me to make sense of the confusion I was feeling. She also taught me ways to help myself. I feel strong and in control now.

  • I was unimaginably fortunate to have met Sarah after I had lost my mother to cancer. I was in excrutiating emotional pain. Swaying daily between anxiety, depression guilt, deep despair and insomnia. I really couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, my world as I had known it had collapsed. On reflection I remember that I had almost crawled into Sarah’s room seeking some relief from my pain

Let's chat...

I will make every endeavour to respond to your e-mails and/or phone messages as quickly as possible. In the interests of Health and Safety, I will not be able to answer general health related questions without having first completed a full consultation form.

All enquiries will be treated with the highest levels of confidentiality and no personal information will be used by, or passed on to any other party without prior written consent.

Shalmsford Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7RD

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